Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Jack Smith.
01/01/2008 - Just a short note to let you know I appreciate your looking at my collections and adding a comment. I found this site just 3 weeks ago and enjoy looking at the pictures others have taken, especially the ones of railroad sights that are only memories. I am 64 and have been collecting slides of trains and RR things since the mid 60's and am now finally having time to enter the pics here. I took 90% of these and like all railfans, took them without regard to trees, telephone poles and wires, just wanting to get a shot. Thank you so much for your comments and for sharing my collection. Please feel free to contact me if you see an error of any kind and I will do my best to correct it as quickly as possible. JS (footnote): 40% of the pictures entered after March of 08 were taken by my close friend and railfanning companion, Mr. Donald O. Elliot of Durand who passed away January 12,2008. These albums are dedicated to his memory. js footnote2: I realize that I have uploaded some pictures more than once, and have tried to keep that to a minimum. Having done through more that 70,000 slides makes it difficult at times. Please excuse my selection of which model or series of locomotives shown, I never learned the different series or classifications beyond the GP38's, GP35's, and engines for AA and GTW in the 80's. Please feel free to correct me at any time. js I have just recently begin a new folder during the pandemic - "GRAFETTI" more for something to do than anything. I am dedicating this folder to all the "taggers" out there who display upon moving billboards their enormous talent and imagination. I can't imagine the number of rail cars out there with these "decorations" on them. I live in a small mid-western city of about 3000 and we get less than 15 trains that go through here during the daylight hours' and seeing as many as I do is an amazing thing . js
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!